Easy Way To Install Ceiling Fan In Houston

Posted on: October 13, 2016
By: Alan O'Neill
Posted in: Press Releases

How To Install Ceiling Fan Houston Homes?

So it seems that you have finally made up your mind regarding which ceiling fan will go where in your beautiful home. Install ceiling fan in Houston can make a real difference in your home’s climate – both cooling and heating – at a far lower cost and operating expense than almost any other item. A ceiling fan is a mechanical fan, usually electrically powered, suspended from the ceiling of a room, that uses hub-mounted rotating paddles to circulate air. A ceiling fan can help you save money on energy costs, since it’s an affordable and efficient alternative to air conditioning. It also provides you with an easy way to create airflow and coolness in your home.

The most common mistake people make when purchasing and install the ceiling fan is to base their decision strictly on how a fan looks and how much it costs without considering how it will perform.

Install or Replace a Ceiling Fan

Ceiling Fan Installation Considerations

The ceiling fan you install should be the right size for the room:

  • Rooms that measure about 75 square feet need a fan with a 29- to 36-inch blade diameter.
  • For rooms measuring 76 to 144 square feet, choose a fan with a blade diameter of 36 to 42 inches.
  • If the room size is 144 to 225 square feet, select a fan with a 44-inch blade diameter.
  • For rooms that are 225 to 400 square feet, use a fan with a blade diameter of 50 to 54 inches.

When installed, the fan blade tips should be at least 30 inches from the walls and other obstructions. The bottom edges of the blades should be at least 7 feet above the floor. Once you select a fan, check the included documentation for any additional requirements for blade clearance or ceiling height.

There are even tiny ceiling fans that are about 30″ wide for small spaces like pantries, bathrooms, offices or apartment size kitchens. Basically, choose the fan that fits the scale of the room. Any size fan can move around air, but if you are concerned just check the CFM (cubic feet of air per minute) rating. Read more here.

Upgrading to a newer system, installing a ceiling fan in a room without a switch, and even adding a light kit to an existing ceiling fan are all complex tasks.

How to Install a Ceiling Fan

A ceiling fan is a stylish and functional addition to any room. If you are planning to install a ceiling fan in a room that already has a ceiling outlet, wiring a ceiling fan is the same as wiring any ceiling fixture.

  1. Turn off the power at the fuse or circuit panel.
    You may find several pairs of wires in the ceiling box. Some may be wired to circuits other than the one that the fixture you’re working on uses. Be safe: Use a circuit tester or turn off the power to the whole house before attempting to install a ceiling fan. That’s the only way to be sure that all wires in the box are dead.
  2. Remove any light bulb cover and bulbs from the fixture and then unscrew the screws or nuts holding the fixture base to the ceiling box.
    Because ceiling fans are so heavy, the National Electrical Code (NEC) prohibits attaching a ceiling fan to a standard ceiling box. Before you purchase the fan, check the manufacturer’s installation instructions and purchase an approved electrical ceiling box. Read full article here.

Install Ceiling Fan in Houston Now!

If your ceiling fan begins to make noise, check to make sure that the blades are secure and all screws are tight. Screws on your fan’s blades, mount, and motor should regularly be checked and tightened for proper maintenance. Keep the blades clean and free of dust. Large accumulations of dust can also cause noise making, due to the imbalance created by the dust’s weight. If this maintenance routine fails to eliminate fan noise created by imbalances, you can buy a ceiling fan re balancing kit.

In order to ensure the best ceiling fan will be selected for your room, make sure you have at least the room size and ceiling height information with you when visiting our showroom. Abacus Plumbing certified electricians have installed hundreds of ceiling fans and know how to do it right the first time. You may reach us here: (713) 812-7070 to make sure you choose the right installer of your ceiling fan in your home.

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