Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement

Posted on: November 14, 2016
By: Alan O'Neill
Posted in: Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement For Houston Homeowners

The compressor will eventually need to replace in a home air-conditioning system that is used often. If your air-conditioning unit is having issues and you’ve diagnosed it as a problem with the compressor, you can replace it yourself with these steps.

The compressor in this unit had a bad internal vibration.

Home Air Conditioning Compressor Replacement

Replacing the Compressor

Usually, compressor replacement is something that should be done by a professional. Although it is not your usual home-improvement project, it is possible to do it yourself, saving money in the process.

Step 1 – Determine Compressor Problems

Check whether the compressor is still capable of doing its job within the cooling system by checking the temperature of the air coming out from the air-conditioning system. If not, continue to replace the compressor.

Step 2 – Identify the Type

Before buying a replacement, make sure you identify the correct kind of compressor that you have because there are numerous types. Usually, the model type of the compressor is indicated in the manual.

Step 3 – Turn Off Electrical Supply

Warning: Failure to completely turn off the electrical supply can result in injury.

Before opening the air-conditioning system, you should cut off all power supply.

Step 4 – Remove Refrigerant

Next, open the cooling system and remove the refrigerant. The system should be ridden of all refrigerants. The latest environmental protocols require that, instead of releasing refrigerant outside, it should be captured and pumped into a storage cylinder.

Step 5 – Cut Refrigerant Lines

The line of the refrigerant should be cut. After this, take out the compressor. The area of the compressor is usually located outside, but you can use your manual to find where yours is specifically.

Step 6 – Unbolt the Compressor

Before replacing the compressor, you have to unbolt it first. When unbolting the compressor of the air conditioner, the hosing attached to it should also be removed. Usually, compressors come with a single bolt. This standard setup provides holding for both the low- and high-pressure lines. The compressor should be unbolted from this holding and the accessory bracket.

Step 7 – Replace the Compressor

The replacement compressor should be placed within the condenser unit with the mounting bolts. Connect the lines of the refrigerant once gain. Given that the refrigerant needs replacing, other controls or the coils should be replaced as well.

Step 8 – Assemble the Unit

Assemble the unit once again, and then connect it to the power source. Check to see if the air-conditioning system is now working properly.

Importance Of Compressor In Your Air Conditioner

The compressor can be compared to the heart in a living creature, since it’s the engine that allows a vital fluid to move around the system. In the case of an AC, the compressor is what gives the energy to the chemical refrigerant to circulate through the indoor and outdoor components. The compressor places the refrigerant under the pressure that changes it into a high-pressure, hot gas that starts it moving first to the outdoor coil, where it releases heat, and then to the indoor coil, where it absorbs heat before returning to the compressor. Call (713) 812-7070 us for your home service and repair needs.

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