Posted on: January 27, 2017
By: Alan O'Neill
Posted in: Plumbing
A potential leak causes problems ranging from severe water damage to humidity problems inside your house, and more. It’s crucial to get a slab repair or foundation repair contractor on the job as soon as possible to limit costly damages.
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There’s really no way a homeowner can visually identify a slab leak. Only professionals with high-tech tools can pinpoint if there’s a leak, and where it occurs. Homeowners may suspect that a leak is at the root of the problem when they notice signs like these:
Multiple solutions exist for dealing with a slab leak. You’ll want to avoid working with a contractor, however, who recommends jack-hammering the foundation to find the problem, as this is generally the most costly solution, and it’s messy, too.
Instead, opt to work with a contractor who is experienced in innovative detection methods such as:
Epoxy restoration requires little demolition to the home. The contractor needs to make only two access holes to access the leak for repair.
Re-piping is often the method of choice when multiple leaks exist. It’s also a very thorough solution to putting a permanent stop to leaks. The contractor will install an entirely new, durable piping system that utilizes expansion to ensure secure fittings and a leak-free system. Be sure to ask about the system’s warranty; ideally, it should cover problems over its lifetime.
Pipe re-routing requires demolition and is the go-to choice when pipes in walls and floors must be replaced, too. The methodology is ideal if only a short amount of pipe needs to be replaced, so as to limit demolition and labor costs.
Dealing with a slab leak requires expert advice. Work with a trusted, reputable professional who holds vast experience helping homeowners remedy foundation leaks. The best course of action to take may not always be the least costly. Be sure to consider all your options, and choose the one that will provide a comprehensive solution to leaks, and prevent further problems down the line.
Slab leaks can be difficult to detect because they the pipes are often surrounded by cement or other materials. However, you need to be mindful of the warning signs or else you could be facing some serious problems. Excessively High Water Bills Unless there is a reason why your water bills have increased. Call us (713) 812-7070 for your home service and repair needs.
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