Posted on: November 11, 2016
By: Alan O'Neill
Posted in: Plumbing
The home inspector will check all faucets and showers, look for visible leaks, such as under sinks and test the water pressure. He or she will also identify the kind of pipes the house have if any pipes are visible. The inspector may recommend a secondary inspection if the pipes are old to determine if or when they might need to be replaced and how much the work would cost.
How to prepare a house for a final plumbing inspection.
Plumbing is considered a major system within a home, your inspector will examine faucets, showers, sinks and tubs to make sure all receive water and get rid of waste effectively. Your inspector will also describe for you what kind of piping is used in your house from the inlet to the supply piping that serves your ice maker. There are some materials that have been used for plumbing that have some inherent problems and your inspector will be able to determine those and find any potential issues that may have derived from them. Your inspector will examine leaks as well and determine if it is normal or a potential problem. Obviously, leaking water is a problem no matter where it is, but what we are referring to is if there is a pipe in the basement that has a leak in it, that is far more serious than the powder bath sink that drips twice an hour. Both will be in the report but your inspector will be able to inform you of the importance of repairs in each. These are the issues of plumbing inspection:
During a home inspection, problems such as water leakage will result in a write-up or citation. Typically, a home inspector will look around a home for signs of mildew, fungus, and mold related to water leaking from broken pipes and cracks in the ceiling or floor. Oftentimes, they will also look for signs of water leakage by checking wood panels and pieces located under or near pipes for dark, circular stains and/or rotting wood, since those are typical signs of a water leak.
Cross-connection is another plumbing issue home inspectors look for while inspecting a house. A cross-connection occurs when water meant for household use becomes contaminated by another water source or vice versa. According to Rex Cauldwell, a master plumber with more than 25 years of plumbing experience, a cross-connection can occur when a city water main pipe breaks lower than the pipe used to filter water into the house. When this occurs, water can be sucked back up the pipe through a shower head or similar item lying in a tub or basin filled with water, which may be contaminated with dye, shampoo or other chemicals, and filtered all the way back to the location of the water main break, resulting in a possible tainting of the initial water source.
Home inspectors will check for inadequate and broken pipes while inspecting a house. Some pipes are meant to be strictly utilized for certain purposes, while others are illegal for home use altogether. For example, polyethylene (PE) pipes are only allowed for home use pertaining to water pressure tanks and main water turn-off valves, while polybutylene (PB) pipes are banned for household use throughout the United States, as of August 2010. Broken pipes are another plumbing issue that home inspectors look for during a home inspection. Pipes can be broken in a variety of ways, such as accidentally crushing a drain line while backing a car out of a garage or intentionally cracking a pipe with a hammer. In any case, a broken pipe can result in a write-up. Home inspectors also check for rust in or around pipes, since rust buildup and blockage can reduce household water pressure and flow.
There may be times when you might decide to fix a plumbing problem yourself. However, certain do-it-yourself projects may result in a write-up from a home inspector. For example, you may have noticed a pipe leaking in your basement and decided to use duct tape to cover the hole. If a home inspector comes across your handiwork, she may determine that the repair is inadequate and issue you a write-up for it.
Why schedule a plumbing inspection? Well, think about it like this: you handle preventative care for things like your health, your car, and your pets, right? Why would your plumbing be any less important? You require good water flow for washing, cooking, and care of your plants and lawn – or landscaping at work. It makes sense to have a professional come in to evaluate the health of your fixtures and setup. Call (713) 812-7070 us for your home service and repair needs.
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