Posted on: November 22, 2016
By: Alan O'Neill
Posted in: Plumbing
If there’s competition for the worst home problem, a slab leak ranks high, alongside complex problems like crawl space remediation and mold problems. Simply put, a slab leak is a leak that occurs in the water pipes under the foundation or perhaps in the concrete slab upon which your home rests.
We were refered by another plumber because we specialize in leak detection, some of our plumbers like this one actually refer the repair to us as well becuase of our reputaion for the quality of work we do.
Breaking into a slab or pool deck without positive confirmation of a leak location is unacceptable. Don’t let anyone dismantle your property just to search for leaks. Finding a slab leak requires a thorough process with technical expertise.
Locating leaks non-destructively requires the use of modern tools such as electronic amplification equipment and electromagnetic pipeline locators. With the proper equipment, leaks can be found and repaired with minimal disruption to property. In many cases, only a single floor tile needs to be removed and replaced.
Before the job begins the plumbers should have all utilities located and marked prior to excavation, as well as the appropriate permits. Upon arrival, make sure they carefully remove any plants or obstacles from the work area. By nature slab, plumbing repair will create a mess, but that doesn’t mean the crew shouldn’t respect your home and landscape.
There are basically two ways to fix an under slab leak – penetrating the slab or tunneling.
Slab penetration – This method uses a jackhammer to dig a hole directly to the leak. This usually means lots of noise and the possibility of having to replace damaged floor coverings – carpet, tile, linoleum, laminate, wood, etc… if you’re considering fixing a leak using this method don’t forget to take replacement costs into consideration.
Tunneling – This method requires tunneling a path from underneath the slab and is much less invasive. With tunneling, there is no need for interior demolition. In instances where multiple leaks exist, tunneling is usually the most cost-effective repair solution. When tunneling is involved, the crew you are using should properly excavate the work area and work in compliance with OSHA standards.
Once your plumber exposes the leak, the bad section of the pipe is removed and replaced with a new piece. In some cases, a more complex under slab leak repair is needed. This process is referred to as a re-route and is preferred when the plumbing system shows significant deterioration or multiple leaks. In these cases, a complete or partial re-route of the sewage system is the best long-term solution.
Four primary conditions lead to a leaky slab. These include:
Soil chemicals that corrode the pipes or concrete. Hot water pipes corrode due to chemical and heat influences, deteriorating from the outside in. Cold pipes corrode in the reverse, from the inside out, most often caused by electrolysis that happens inside the pipe.
Dealing with a slab leak requires expert advice. Work with a trusted, reputable professional who holds vast experience helping homeowners remedy foundation leaks. The best course of action to take may not always be the least costly. Be sure to consider all your options, and choose the one that will provide a comprehensive solution to leaks. Call (713) 812-7070 us for your home service and repair needs.
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